1,004 research outputs found

    Сучасний стан пенсійного забезпечення в Україні

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    У статті розглянуто сучасний стан солідарної системи загальнообов'язкового державного пенсійного страхування та проаналізовано основні показники функціонування недержавних пенсійних фондів.In the article the current state of solidarity system of obligatory slate pension insurance is considered. The basic indicators of functioning of non-stale pension funds are analyzed

    Ю.О. Митропольський — вчений та вихователь молоді

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    Висвітлено наукову діяльність та роботу з підготовки наукових кадрів академіка Ю.О. Митропольського. Змальовано його риси як вченого та вихователя молоді.Освещены научная деятельность и работа по подготовке научных кадров академика Ю.А.Митропольского. Обрисованы его черты как ученого и воспитателя молодежи.The paper highlights research and tutorial activities by Academician Yu.O. Mitropolsky. His qualities as a scientist and a tutor of youth are outlined

    Аліментні обов'язки інших членів сім'ї та родичів

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    Виявлено проблеми у врегулюванні аліментних обов’язків інших членів сім’ї та родичів, вироблено рекомендації щодо їх вирішення. Проаналізовано специфіку правового регулювання аліментних зобов’язань зазначених суб’єктів, сімейне законодавство та міжнародний досвід. Ключові слова: аліментні обов’язки, правове регулювання, сімейне законодавство.Выявлены проблемы в урегулировании алиментных обязанностей других членов семьи и родственников, выработаны рекомендации по их решению. Проанализирована специфика правового регулирования алиментных обязательств указанных субъектов, семейное законодательство и международный опыт. Ключевые слова: алиментные обязанности, правовое регулирование, семейное законодавствоThis article is dedicated to identifying problems in the regulation of the alimentary obligations of other family members and relatives, and to making recommendations and proposing solutions. Studing the specificity of the legal regulation of alimentary obligations of these entities, analysing the current family law and international experience are very important. Key words: alimentary obligations, legal regulation, family law

    The Imperfective Past

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    The objective of our study was to investigate whether use of antipsychotics is associated with hip/femur fractures and whether pharmacological differences between antipsychotics are related to the occurrence of fractures.A case-control study was conducted, in which cases were defined as patients with a hip/femur fracture. Each patient was matched to one control patient. The association between use of antipsychotics and the occurrence of hip/femur fractures was evaluated using conditional logistic regression.The study included 44,500 patients from 683 general practices from different geographical areas in the UK, registered within the General Practice Research Database (GPRD). Exposure to antipsychotics was categorized as “no use”, “current use” and “prior use”.Both current and prior use of antipsychotics were associated with an approximately two-fold increased risk of fractures. After adjustment for possible confounders, a small significant effect remained (Odds Ratios (OR) of 1.3). We did not find an association between dose of antipsychotics, or between the degree of blockade of the alpha-1 adrenoceptor or histamine-1 receptor and risk of fractures. The total number of days of antipsychotic use was significantly associated with an increased risk of hip/femur fractures.We conclude that there is a small increased risk of hip/femur fractures associated with the use of antipsychotics. This risk increases with long-term use

    Породы песчаники – редкие материалы высокой крепости – уникальные фрикционные материалы

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    Розглядаються питання при підготовці до відпрацювання пологих вугільних пластів на великих глибинах в умовах шахти «Довжанська Капітальна» ТОВ "ДТЕК Свердловантрацит". Проведено дослідження вміщуючих підготовчу виробку порід. Запропоновано можливості проектування комплексного видобутку супутніх корисних компонентів при підготовці Антрацитівського пластів до видобутку.The questions in preparation for mining of shallow coal seams at great depths in the mine "Dolzhanskaya Capital" LLC "DTEK Sverdlovantratsit." Investigations of host rocks of underground working. Suggested the possibility of designing an integrated co-production of useful components in preparation Antratsitovskogo of flat seam to production

    Adverse events related to biologicals used for patients with multiple sclerosis: a comparison between information originating from regulators and information originating from the scientific community

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Background and purpose: Clinical decision making is facilitated by healthcare professionals’ and patients’ adequate knowledge of the adverse events. This is especially important for biologicals used for treating multiple sclerosis (MS). So far, little is known about whether different information sources report adverse events consistently. Methods: Biologicals authorized by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of MS were included in this study. Information on adverse events derived from phase 3 clinical trials from European Public Assessment Reports (EPARs) and from scientific publications was compared. Results: In the study, eight biologicals used for the treatment of MS were included for which the EPAR and/or scientific publication reported a total of 707 adverse events. Approximately one-third of the adverse events was reported in both the EPAR and scientific publication, one-third was only reported in the EPAR and one-third only in the scientific publication. Serious adverse events and adverse events that regulators classified as ‘important identified risk’ were significantly more often reported in both sources compared to adverse events not classified as such (respectively, 38% vs. 30% and 49% vs. 30%). Adverse events only reported in the EPAR or in the scientific publication were, in general, not described in the benefit–risk section or abstract, which were considered to be the most important sections of the documents. Conclusions: This study showed that there is substantial discordance in the reporting of adverse events on the same phase 3 trials between EPARs and scientific publications. To support optimal clinical decision making, both documents should be considered.It is confirmed that no specific funding was receivedfor this study.Peer Reviewe

    First detection of a VHE gamma-ray spectral maximum from a Cosmic source: H.E.S.S. discovery of the Vela X nebula

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    The Vela supernova remnant (SNR) is a complex region containing a number of sources of non-thermal radiation. The inner section of this SNR, within 2 degrees of the pulsar PSR B0833-45, has been observed by the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray atmospheric Cherenkov detector in 2004 and 2005. A strong signal is seen from an extended region to the south of the pulsar, within an integration region of radius 0.8 deg. around the position (RA = 08h 35m 00s, dec = -45 deg. 36' J2000.0). The excess coincides with a region of hard X-ray emission seen by the ROSAT and ASCA satellites. The observed energy spectrum of the source between 550 GeV and 65 TeV is well fit by a power law function with photon index = 1.45 +/- 0.09(stat) +/- 0.2(sys) and an exponential cutoff at an energy of 13.8 +/- 2.3(stat) +/- 4.1(sys) TeV. The integral flux above 1 TeV is (1.28 +/- 0.17 (stat) +/- 0.38(sys)) x 10^{-11} cm^{-2} s^{-1}. This result is the first clear measurement of a peak in the spectral energy distribution from a VHE gamma-ray source, likely related to inverse Compton emission. A fit of an Inverse Compton model to the H.E.S.S. spectral energy distribution gives a total energy in non-thermal electrons of ~2 x 10^{45} erg between 5 TeV and 100 TeV, assuming a distance of 290 parsec to the pulsar. The best fit electron power law index is 2.0, with a spectral break at 67 TeV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics letter

    Anti‐cN‐1A autoantibodies are absent in juvenile dermatomyositis

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    Objectives: To assess anti‐cytosolic 5′‐nucleotidase 1A (cN‐1A/NTC51A) autoantibodies in children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) and healthy controls, using three different methods of antibody detection, as well as verification of the results in an independent cohort. / Methods: Anti‐cN‐1A reactivity was assessed in 34 Dutch JDM patients and 20 healthy juvenile controls by a commercially available full‐length cN‐1A ELISA, a synthetic peptide ELISA and by immunoblotting using a lysate from cN‐1A expressing HEK‐293 cells. Sera from JDM patients with active disease and in remission were analysed. An independent British cohort of 110 JDM patients and 43 healthy juvenile controls was assessed by an in‐house full‐length cN‐1A ELISA. / Results: Anti‐cN‐1A reactivity was not present in JDM patients’ sera or in healthy controls when tested with the commercially available full‐length cN‐1A ELISA or by immunoblotting, both in active disease and in remission. Also, in the British JDM cohort anti‐cN‐1A reactivity was not detected. Three Dutch JDM patients tested weakly positive for one of the three synthetic cN‐1A peptides measured by ELISA. / Conclusion: JDM patients and young healthy individuals do not show anti‐cN‐1A reactivity as assessed by different antibody detection techniques

    H.E.S.S. observations of gamma-ray bursts in 2003-2007

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    Very-high-energy (VHE; >~100 GeV) gamma-rays are expected from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in some scenarios. Exploring this photon energy regime is necessary for understanding the energetics and properties of GRBs. GRBs have been one of the prime targets for the H.E.S.S. experiment, which makes use of four Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) to detect VHE gamma-rays. Dedicated observations of 32 GRB positions were made in the years 2003-2007 and a search for VHE gamma-ray counterparts of these GRBs was made. Depending on the visibility and observing conditions, the observations mostly start minutes to hours after the burst and typically last two hours. Results from observations of 22 GRB positions are presented and evidence of a VHE signal was found neither in observations of any individual GRBs, nor from stacking data from subsets of GRBs with higher expected VHE flux according to a model-independent ranking scheme. Upper limits for the VHE gamma-ray flux from the GRB positions were derived. For those GRBs with measured redshifts, differential upper limits at the energy threshold after correcting for absorption due to extra-galactic background light are also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 4 tables, 3 figure